Somersby Cider

Positioning Summer as the #1 seller in the Australian Liquor Market

Design, creative strategy, campaign & copy for the world’s most popular cider.

Produced a comprehensive on & off premise suite of POS, brand & promotional advertising & activations.

Created a season-long shopping event aligning retailers, shoppers & brand.


Following tremendous success in Europe, Somersby was eager to claim their position at the forefront of Australia's liquor retail space. Introducing & promoting their apple & pear cans drove brand awareness & conversions during the vibrant Australian Summer sales period.

Somersby’s True Colours

Brand copy in the campaign seamlessly linked retail, usage occasions & colloquial sharability with a compelling call to action, connecting Somersby from bottle shop to beach & all festivities in-between.

Retail Creative Strategy

Our creative strategy simply empowered shoppers to ‘grab a new product’, while positioning Somersby as the essence of Summer. It linked product & brand with the emotion, freedom, and optimism of the season. Capturing attention with a smile in the fleeting yet occasion defining moments of a bottle shop visit.

Experience Summer

Even though we made the bottle shop the place to be that Summer, the campaign had to be able to stretch far beyond the cool room to activations & OOH comms for Somersby to truly claim ownership of the Summer sales period.

Safe to say this was a Summer very well spent.

Want to own a season like Somersby?

Let’s find your True Colours

Work includes: Concept, creative strategy, brand & shopper copy, design & advertising campaign for TIS Agency.

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